Pregnancy Achievement by Tricia Greenwell

For more information:

Female Cycle
Interpreting Temperatures
Natural Family Planning
Online Charting
Menstrual cycle
TCOYF Outline
Great FAM site

Pregnancy Achievement

The best way to optimize your chance of becoming pregnant in a given cycle is to:

  1. Use the symptothermal method of Fertility Awareness. By charting your cervical mucus and basal body temperature throughout your cycle, you will be better able to tell when to time intercourse for conception to occur.
  2. Taking the basal body temperature throughout the cycle will also help to know if and when ovulation has occurred. NOTE: You can stop checking cervical mucus once ovulation has occured (shown by a sustained rise in temperature for 3 days)

Symptothermal Overview, for use with pregnancy achievement:

Did you know that a chart can tell you if you are pregnant almost as well as a home pregnancy test? And at a better price's FREE!

If luteal phase (phase of cycle after ovulation) continues on for 18 or more days, you can almost guarantee pregnancy.

Here's what happens:

The corpus luteum will disintegrate after 16 days. The only reason it will continue to produce progesterone is if the woman is pregnant or has developed a cyst. The 18+ high temps signifies that the progesterone is still elevated, as it would be in pregnancy.

Chart Examples:

Pregnancy Chart

This is an example of a pregnancy chart. The woman charting this cycle was trying to conceive, and was successful!!

Triphasic Chart

This is an example of a pregnancy chart where the temperature went triphasic, that is, it took on a third level of temperatures, and is often a sign of pregnancy. Triphasic charts are not always pregnancy charts, but many are.

Pregnancy Chart with Clomid and Progesterone documented

This is an example of a pregnancy chart that was aided with clomid and progesterone medications. Clomid helps the woman ovulate and progesterone helps the woman when low progesterone is detected. It also looks like she had an HCG trigger shot, which helps bring on ovulation, but that's another website all together!

Pregnant belly pic

Guide to reading Symptothermal charts below

Symbol Title Description
CM Cervical Mucus
M = Menses  * = Spotting   - = Dry  S = Sticky
C =  Creamy   W  = Watery    E =  Eggwhite
Ovulation Test Kits
Fertility Monitors
+  =   Positive   -  =   negative
L  =   Low    H  =   High
BD Intercourse
Also symbolizes "baby dance" for 
trying to conceive 
CP Cervical Position
L  =  Low    M  =  Medium    H  =  High

S  =  Soft    M=Medium   F  =  Firm 
Meds Includes various fertility medicines
C  =  Clomid

P = Progesterone

If you have any questions, please Email Me.

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It is not my intention to provide specific medical advice but rather to provide users with information to better understand their body signs. Specific medical advice will not be provided, I recommend if there are health issues, you seek the care of your primary physician.

Copyright © 2005 Tricia Greenwell     Page last updated August 11, 2005